Songs to encourage and inspire
Songs to encourage and inspire
While we are not able to meet and sing together we thought it would be a good idea to post a daily link to a song or hymn on YouTube which has been chosen by Emmanuel members together with a sentence to two about why they have chosen this piece of music.
29 July: Beautiful Saviour
I love this song. Focusing on that beautiful saviour in these frustrating times is to experience life in all its fullness.
chosen by Erika Stanton
27 July: Remember all the people
I wonder please if you would indulge me in including a hymn from my childhood days. Others of the older generation might just remember it. When I was a child the far off lands sounded so exciting, but very far off. Little did I know that as an adult I would travel to and live in some of those far off lands. Not at the moment, however!!
Remember all the people
Who live in far off lands
In strange and lovely cities
Or roam the desert sands,
Or farm the mountain pastures
Or till the endless plains
Where children wade
through rice fields
And watch the camel trains.
Some work in sultry forests
Where apes swing to and fro,
Some fish in mighty rivers,
Some hunt across the snow.
Remember all God’s children,
Who yet have never Heard
The truth that comes from Jesus,
The glory of His Word.
God bless the men and women
Who serve Him overseas;
God raise up more to help them
To set the nations free,
Till all the distant people
In every foreign place
Shall understand His kingdom,
And come into His grace.
chosen by Sheila Beaven
25 July: Hills of the North, Rejoice
This reminds me of all those school assemblies, but is a great hymn.
chosen by Anne West
23 July: All hail the power of Jesus’ name
It was written by Edward Perronet in 1779 just as today he looked to Jesus during his troubles with Spain declaring War on Britain, American Revolution Battle of Grenada Battle of Stono Ferry, and yet still his focus was Jesus and the power in his name!
chosen by Tom Wood
19 July: Make me a channel of Your peace
Lovely words…peace between all creed/colour/race
chosen by Kate Butler
16 July: Turn your eyes upon Jesus
I have a request for a hymn that has been on my heart and in my head for some time.
The words are so poignant in such challenging times, calling us to focus on Jesus, our Saviour, King and Comforter: “Turn your eyes upon Jesus, look full into his wonderful face, and the things of earth shall grow strangely dim in the light of His Glorious Grace”.
This version is really beautiful, both reflective and uplifting.
chosen by Sally Chedgey
13 July: Rain
The other day I was feeling a bit downcast so I talked to God and He immediately brought this song to mind: ‘Rain’ by Noel Robinson. I find it’s a powerful prayer asking for God’s refreshment; needless to say it was just what I needed that day! I hope this song is a blessing to you too…
chosen by Elaine Arnold
10 July: How Great Thou Art
The song that really does it for me is “How Great Thou Art” Gloria and I have visited many places on cruises and holidays and when I am looking at a fantastic landscape with water running and birds singing this song always runs through my mind, How true it is.
chosen by Norman Moxey
8 July: Worthy, You are worthy
This song is for me a ‘heart song’ at the moment and I keep coming back to it or it comes back to me. With all that’s going on at the moment His worth and worthiness is above all else. He is the one who indeed opens our eyes to so much and gives us new perspective.
chosen by Rob Marshall
6 July: Here I am to worship
I love the sentiment.
chosen by Kate Butler
4 July: Christ will be my hideaway
I stumbled across this song a couple of weeks ago. This song has been written as a response to Covid 19 and is based on Psalm 91. I think the melody is very gentle and simple and the lyrics capture what we are going through at the present time. I can really hear it being sung in Emmanuel when we can meet together to worship and praise our amazing God.
chosen by Anthony Cowey
2 July: Oh for a Thousand Tongues to Sing
I love all hymns by Charles Wesley, especially “O for a Thousand Tongues to Sing”
When I first came to Emmanuel Church in 1982 as I entered the church, the choir were singing this hymn. They were warming up before the service, it was beautiful and I can’t wait until we are all back together singing fit to burst. It’s definitely a hymn that is great when our church is full.
chosen by Roz Mitchell
30 June: Forth in Thy name, I go
Just thought i would share this with you.
chosen by Tom Wood
28 June: Dear Lord and Father of mankind
An old hymn with the great words…. Take from our souls the strain and stress… Listen to the beauty of God’s peace.
chosen by Kate Butler
26 June: Easter version of Leonard Cohen’s Hallelujah
Although Easter has past this year it reminds us of the debt Jesus paid for us every day.
chosen by Val and Martin Fance
24 June: On the basis of the Blood
The words are quite profound. I was reminded of it this morning and the scripture from Revelation 12 about overcoming by the blood of the lamb in the midst of troubling thoughts.
I came across David Ingles back in the mid 90s. I was listening to him when in hospital after a major operation. One of the staff members asked me what I was listening too and it was one of his cassettes (that shows how long ago!). I ended up giving it to him and he got back to me later and said ‘Why aren’t there more songs like these on this cassette? This is amazing!’ The album was the same name as the song.
chosen by Rob Marshall
22 June: And can it be
This hymn reminds me of all God has done for us. Hallelujah, what a Saviour!
chosen by Iris Apter
20 June: Jesus What a beautiful name
Hold on to Jesus at this time.
chosen by Kate Butler
18 June: Irish Blessing
I really like the Irish Blessing that was compiled by over 300 churches, of all denominations, throughout the whole of Ireland. I love it when Christians get together in lockdown and Ireland has such a history of religious strife, that Christians singing One song brought a lump to my throat.
chosen by Alison Stevenson
16 June: Abide with me
This reminds us that our home is in Heaven but God calls us to walk this broken world. He is with us and will never let us go.
chosen by Simon Chedgey
14 June: Christ be our light
There are a lot of the lyrics which will feel like they apply either to themselves or people they know and are longing to see.
chosen by Diane Wakefield
10 June: The Lord bless you and keep you
It was fantastic to have the unity of so many different churches singing a new version of this Hebrew blessing. I have chosen this in the more traditional form, the words come from Numbers 6 v24-26 Such an amazing reassurance that God not only longs to bless us but He’s keeping us, pouring out His grace on us and gives us peace as He shines His face upon us – incredible.
chosen by Sarah King
8 June: If my people
Jane and I were reading a section from 2 Chronicles 7:14 and reminded us of an old song by Jimmy Owens called if My people. It’s going back some time, you may remember when there was tour around the country, a sequel to Come Together. Anyway with the 24-7 prayer time and the call to pray for the Lord’s Kingdom to come – it seemed highly appropriate. especially as the verse before speaks of pestilence!
chosen by Rupert Masters
6 June: There is a day
I listened to this a lot when I had my concussion because it reminded me that our suffering is only for a short time and one day God is going to restore everything. We will see him face to face and all hurt and pain will cease.
chosen by Simon Chedgey
4 June: I do not know what lies ahead
Beautiful hymn. We need him so much.
This is a hymn that is so appropriate for today and what we are faced with.
chosen by Sheila Millard
2 June: Come Holy Spirit, I need you
Beautiful hymn. We need him so much.
Lord come heal your world through the power of the Holy Spirit.
chosen by Thomas Wood
31 May: Lord for the years
I love this hymn because in the past the Lord has kept and guided me, he continues to do so today, and I trust he will in the future, whatever that may hold.
chosen by Sheila Beaven
28 May: Lord, I lift Your name on high
One of my favourite songs – choosing daily to lift God high in our own lives and in the situations around us.
chosen by Simon Chedgey
26 May: Great is the Lord
A moving song about our Great God.
chosen by Kate Butler
24 May: There was Jesus
It reminds me of three small words that God puts in my head when I most need Him, ’I am here’.
chosen by Valerie Fance
22 May: Abide with me
This beautiful hymn captures how it must be like for those passing away with covid 19 at this time, their darkness, their helplessness, their loneliness.
God abide with them in their darkest hours, in their helplessness. Lord abide with them.
chosen by Tom Wood
20 May: El Shaddai
Sung by Amy Grant this is a beautiful expression of faith in El-Shaddai – our Almighty God.
chosen by Linda Horn
18 May: Hosanna
I saw this choir recently on YouTube and thought it was brilliant. The choir sang Hosanna excellently. Also, because singers from so many different countries took part, I thought it was both uplifting and encouraging.
chosen by Martin Scantlebury
16 May: Holy, Holy, Holy
We used to sing it in our primary school days at our church school.
All children sang hymns then, and at home.
This is the origin of my loving this hymn, and of our mum singing it with us.
chosen by Sylvia Miller
14 May: I want Jesus to walk with me
We need Jesus walking with us at the moment.
A lovely song… And here sung by Jonathan Veira
chosen by Kate Butler
13 May: God of this city
I love this song because it’s a reminder that God isn’t finished. When I feel burnt out or spent and when I’m doubting myself it helps me remember that God’s only just getting started and he can do things in my life that I couldn’t even imagine. There is no one like our God, and he is working and moving all the time (even in lockdown!).
chosen by Lucy Hicks
12 May: I the Lord of Sea and Sky
I love it because it is beautiful.
chosen by Ann West
11 May: Cornerstone
For me it sums up how God is with us through the trails of life. When we are weak he is strong and through whatever storms we face he is Lord of all and ultimately in control.
It was an automatic go to song for my Mum’s funeral and all the uncertainty and pain of that time. It is again now as we go through this current crisis. I can rest in his unchanging grace.
chosen by Nigel McDonald
10 May: Be my everything
Don’t think we’ve had this one already – but I love this song. Some versions include ‘God in my breathing’ which seems very relevant as I imagine healing breath when so many lungs are struggling with the virus.
chosen by Barbara Stevenson
9 May: God is our strength and refuge
The version performed on the Proms Praise [virtual] is particularly moving, played and sung remotely by about 700 people. It is inspiring.
chosen by Nigel West
8 May: Knowing You, Jesus
We need to hold onto this Truth… That knowing Jesus is the most important thing in our lives…. Whatever else is going on.
chosen by Kate Butler
7 May: Jesus lover of my soul (It’s all about You)
This song came into my mind this morning as I was walking our dog on the common. Jesus lover of my soul is not just good news!
chosen by Graham Wright
6 May: Better is one day
From psalm 84 I think we all yearn to be back worshipping together in church and ‘better is one day’ fills me with hope for the future.
chosen by Sally McDonald
5 May: So Freely
Our housegroup in real life always opens with a song, many of them new to us but this one is a golden oldie. It emphasises that God’s love absolutely does not depend on our performance or how good or bad a Christian we are….
chosen by Richard Horn
4 May: The UK Blessing
Just a beautiful collaboration of churches praying God’s blessing on our nation at this time!! Let’s join with them.
chosen by Anthony Cowey
3 May: He who would valiant be (to be a pilgrim)
I love it because the marriage of Vaughan Williams’ orchestration with the inspiring words just works.
chosen by Ann West
2 May: This is our God
It’s not the more popular song with the same name. I came across this one (by Glen Packiam) when looking for the other one about 10 years ago. With there being more time at the moment I sometimes need a playlist with a punch to get me moving. This one does the trick.
chosen by Simon Ritchie
1 May: One day at a time
Not a known well hymn but the words are very important for today’s situation – we must rely on Jesus each day, one day at a time.
chosen by Tom Wood
30 April: 10000 Reasons (Bless the Lord)
10.000 reasons to stay strong while in lockdown… Even when we feel God is far away… He isn’t.. He’s with us during this difficult time.
chosen by Kate Butler
29 April: The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases
This is a song I often come back to in difficult and challenging times. It was written some time ago and based on Lamentations 3 22-23. A reminder of God’s steadfast love and faithfulness to us each and every day.
chosen by Jane Baker
28 April: Only a Holy God
“Who else invites me to call Him Father? Only my Holy God!” What a privilege that the King of Kings invites us to call him Father!
chosen by Anthony Cowey
27 April: It is well with my soul
Love this hymn it makes me reflect on my inner self and ask the question keep my whole body well, Jesus, but most of all my soul.
chosen by Tom Wood
26 April: Hide me now - Still
The words of the chorus are so true for our situation today.
chosen by Clive Perry
25 April: Strength will rise (Everlasting God)
I was sat in the Oasis Zoom meeting and this song popped into my head and I felt the words are very re assuring in our present situation
chosen by Kim Bates
24 April: You’ll never walk alone
About the inspiring songs, how about that wonderful film of Captain Tom walking to the strains of You’ll Never Walk Alone? I promise I am not a Liverpool fan and I know it was written for Carousel, but the words are touching.
chosen by Ann West
23 April: Salvation song
Not new, I was reminded of it early this morning..
It’s all about His love story for His people – both Israel & the Church.
chosen by Varad Daniel
22 April: River of Life
This song is stuck in my head and I find myself singing it most of the time. I hope it encourages others that despite what’s going on around the world, Heaven is coming down to Earth!
chosen by Melissa Foat
21 April: Thank you for the cross
I just find it the most worshipful song in every respect – words and music working together to encompass both the sacrifice and glory of the lamb of God.
chosen by Jane Masters
20 April: There is a redeemer
This hymn always resonates deeply with me and I can’t sing it without it bringing tears to my eyes.
chosen by Sheila Miller
19 April: Jesus, thank you
A song that inspires a deep thankfulness for all that Jesus has done for us.
chosen by Simon Chedgey
18 April: Guide me O Thou great Redeemer
We have a strong and powerful God and this hymn is sung by a strong and powerful Welsh Male Choir.
I find it very uplifting with its power and we need His guidance at the present time more than ever.
chosen by Pat Mansell
17 April: Build my life
I checked out the Songs to Encourage and Inspire, and I was immediately drawn to a suggestion – the song above. There is something about the simple confidence of this song which I find incredibly comforting, and I think it really speaks into a period of instability and insecurity for so many of us. It talks about our commitment to a life built on Jesus’ firm foundation, even in difficult times, and also powerfully about being sent in His love to those around us. I am listening to this pretty regularly at the moment and I always find it a comforting and uplifting experience.
chosen by Sam Godsland
16 April: The Lords my Shepherd
I love the chorus as it says ‘ I will trust, I will trust in you. your endless mercy follows me.. your goodness will lead me home’
We need to Trust Him at the moment!!😷
chosen by Kate Butler
15 April: You raise me up
Whilst not a hymn , the person being sung about can only be God, we love the line asking God to sit awhile with us.
chosen by Val and Martin Fance
14 April: I raise a hallelujah
It’s so apt for this time. Let’s make sure we are raising a hallelujah when we can – “my weapon is a melody”.
chosen by Nicola Cole
13 April: Hope of the nations
I was woken by the phrase Imitation of Christ and then the sun of righteousness shall rise with healing in his wings. I have been praying. As I got towards the end, the song came to me Jesus hope of the nation’s. Hey that would be a good one for the website I thought! Being Easter this is very appropriate.The Lords my shepherd Thursday 16th April
chosen by Rob Marshall
12 April: You’re alive, you’re alive!
Hallelujah, Jesus has risen!!
Let’s worship the King of kings and the Lord of lords.
Easter Sunday
12 April: He has risen
Hallelujah, Jesus has risen!!
Let’s worship the King of kings and the Lord of lords.
Easter Sunday
12 April: Jesus Christ is risen today
Hallelujah, Jesus has risen!!
Let’s worship the King of kings and the Lord of lords.
Easter Sunday
12 April: Christ is risen
Hallelujah, Jesus has risen!!
Let’s worship the King of kings and the Lord of lords.
Easter Sunday
11 April: The power of Your love
At this time in particular the words are powerful as we are forced to isolate. May we be enfolded in HIS love.
Chosen by Dulcie Lawrence
10 April: Oh to see the dawn
This song tells the story of the incredible sacrifice that Jesus made for each of us by going willing to His death to save you and me. All seems so dark and yet we have the promise of resurrection on Easter Sunday. In these days when things feel hopeless we have that continued hope and peace of eternal resurrection with Jesus forever.
Chosen by Sarah King
9 April: Be still for the presence of the Lord
His presence is with us at this difficult time and he does come to heal and minister his grace.
A song of encouragement for the website.
Chosen by Kate Butler
8 April: Unto Thee O Lord
The last couple of months this song, particularly the first two lines, has been coming to me often in the shower. I know it’s somewhat dated (everso slightly older than me) but you can get past that! And I would sing it probably different to the Maranatha singers! (Yes you would, say my family – they always have trouble guessing a song I’m trying to find!)
The words are even more dated as they come from Psalm 25 but they are a great prayer and an offering to Yahweh.
We are church but we’re also individuals and need our own individual sustaining from the Lord too at this time. As Frank said in his latest sermon it is good to praise as it reminds us of God’s greatness, goodness etc. It is a an act of the will like Psalm 25 says – I trust in you.
Chosen by Rob Marshall
7 April: Walk with me O my Lord
Just as he calmed the winds and walked on the sea teach us today Lord that you are walking with us guiding us to safety as we come closer to you.
Chosen by Tom Wood
6 April: Shine Jesus shine
I couldn’t decide which one to choose. I find them both up lifting which we all need now and with Easter coming too we as a church family can’t celebrate as we would normally do.
Chosen by Peter Anderson
6 April: Thine be the glory!
I couldn’t decide which one to choose. I find them both up lifting which we all need now and with Easter coming too we as a church family can’t celebrate as we would normally do.
Chosen by Peter Anderson
5 April (part 1): You say
I stumbled across this artist whilst watching Greys Anatomy. Her song Rescue was playing in the background. Beautiful artist with songs that come from the soul.
Chosen by Tracey Wade
5 April (part 2): Rescue you
I stumbled across this artist whilst watching Greys Anatomy. Her song Rescue was playing in the background. Beautiful artist with songs that come from the soul.
Chosen by Tracey Wade
4 April: Lord you have my heart
I like to use this song as a prayer. It focuses on the security we have in belonging to Christ which is important to remember in these uncertain times.
Chosen by Linda Evans
3 April: The Blessing
I pray, let it be a declaration over our church family.
Chosen by Varad Daniels
2 April: When I survey the wondrous cross
Its good to just pause for a moment, to wait on the Lord and to be thankful for all that He has done for us.
Chosen by Simon Chedgey
1 April (part 1): In Christ Alone
It’s one of my favourites and has such fantastic lyrics.
Chosen by Diane Wakefield
1 April (part 2): In Christ Alone
I was really struck by such a diverse group of singers from all around the world with a common faith in Jesus Christ.
Chosen by Graham Wright
31 March: Be Thou my vision
Great tune and wonderfully inspiring words!
Chosen by Ann West
30 March: Build your kingdom here
This song came to me in the early hours of the morning. The lyrics are so apt at this time. “We are your church” the buildings have closed but we, the church, remain active in the strength and love of Christ. “Heal our streets and land” – of coronavirus and of all those things that hurt and harm and pull others down. So we pray that God is already setting his church on fire and our nation and our world will turn back to those things that matter: our world, its people and the environment. Maybe this period of enforced isolation will give each one of us the space to look inside ourselves and discover where our priorities lie and if they are in tune those of the maker of our world. “Change the atmosphere we pray, Amen”
Chosen by Aretia Debenham
29 March: No longer slaves
This song tells the truth about the current position the world is in we are children of God that is the reality no matter what.
Chosen by Graham Wright
28 March: Holy Overshadowing
This is one of Graham Kendrick’s latest beautiful songs. Gentle and uplifting. A reminder that God overshadows all else that overshadows us, especially Covid-19 at this time.
Chosen by Richard Horn
27 March: Down in my heart
This is one song that Amelia and I sang this morning. Sometimes you just need a reminder about the joy in your heart.
Chosen by Julie Stroscio and Amelia
26 March: Beauty of Your peace
Peace is the gift that Jesus left his disciples – see John 14 v 27. Tim Hughes captures this for me and in all the storms of life – even in this crisis – the Beauty of His Peace is such an assurance. There is nothing to rival His gift!
Chosen by Mair Thorburn
25 March: Because He lives I can face tomorrow
This song is so appropriate in our present situation!
Chosen by Tom Wood
24 March: God Suit On
This song has really been going round my head the last couple of days. I love the words in it as a reminder that God is always with us, and we have his armour on wherever we go, or whatever we may face in the day. It’s also a great workout song so if you’re stuck at home and needing to move about give it a go!
Chosen by Melissa Foat
23 March: Christ be in my Waking
This song encourages to look to Jesus in every area of our lives and re assures us that Jesus is with us every step of the way. Hallelujah what a Saviour!