Giving Financially
We are grateful to God for his faithful provision. We can each play our part by praying, serving and giving financially towards the life and work of the church. Thank you for playing your part in all that we do together. Your giving makes a difference.
1. Give Monthly - recommended
Regular giving makes a real difference, as it enables us to plan impactful, long-term projects and ministry to reach as many people as possible with
the love of Jesus.
To arrange a Standing Order please contact your bank, using the following details:
Emmanuel Church Stoughton
Sort Code: 30-92-70
Account Number: 01264243
Reference: Giving/[SURNAME] (ie. Giving/Smith)
Please complete the Gift Aid Declaration –
2. Give Now
Great for occasional gifts to the church, just click on the link below to access a simple online secure payment form to pay using a Credit or Debit Card.
Please do ‘tick’ to register Gift Aid, and complete a Gift Aid form.
*Please note the Church incurs a small fee for each donation via this method.
Other ways to pay
Payroll Giving (through your employer’s Give As You Earn scheme).
Charity Account (CAF, Stewardship, Charities Trust, etc) by standing order, online transfer or voucher.
Cash or Cheque* in an envelope – please write on the envelope the gift is for ‘Church Funds’ (or a specific ministry). *Cheques are payable to ‘Stoughton PCC’.
Card or Contactless Payment via the card reader machine at the back of the main church.
- For any giving method please complete a Gift Aid Declaration.
Please contact if you require a standing order form, envelopes, printed Gift Aid form or any further giving information.
Leave a legacy
Many of our congregation members like to leave a gift in their will, which has helped us fund many exciting projects over the years.
To include Emmanuel Church in your will, simply contact your will provider with our formal name, address and charity number (see below):
The Parochial Church Council of Emmanuel Church, Stoughton, 1 Shepherds Lane, Stoughton, Guildford, GU2 9SJ. Charity number: 1130243
Donate to a Specific Fund
For regular giving to our Mission Agencies and Partners, please complete the Mission Giving form below. For one-off donations to the Hardship Fund or Mission Partners, click on Donate Online.
Mission Agencies and Partners
To give regularly to our link Mission Agencies or Partners, use the form to designate your support for each agency.
The Hardship Fund
The Hardship Fund has been set up to support our local community where needs have been identified.
Mission Giving Online
For a single donation shared equally across our partner Mission Agencies, you can donate via ChurchSuite.