Contact us...

Emmanuel Church
1 Shepherds Lane, Stoughton
Guildford, Surrey, GU2 9SJ

Telephone: 01483 561603

 Office opening hours (term time)

Monday9.30am – 1pm
Tuesday9.30am – 3pm
Wednesday9.30am – 3pm
Thursday9.30am – 4pm

    Weddings, Baptisms & Funerals

    We’re here to support you through these important life events, please do get in touch if you ….

    • are thinking of getting married?
    • would like your baby baptised?
    • considering a thanksgiving service for your child
    • wish to be baptised yourself?
    • have suffered a bereavement and need help with a funeral?
    • just need to chat things through with a minister?

    You are welcome to talk to our staff team about these and any other issues.

    Facilities Hire

    We welcome local people and groups to use our buildings, and our church centre is full of diverse community activities all week.

    We offer excellent facilities for many different groups, birthday parties, conferences and public meetings.

    If you would like to hire our rooms, sports hall and church spaces please use the ‘booking enquiry form‘ to provide us some basic details. We aim to respond as soon as we can.