
A community being shaped by Jesus - get involved!

Journey though life together

Home Groups & Bible Study

We all have a deep desire to connect and belong. At Emmanuel, we are dedicated to fostering a sense of community and supporting one another as we journey through life together.

There are fantastic groups available that aim to provide connection and friendships with people who will journey through life’s highs and lows, supporting each other along the way. It’s also a safe environment that enables us to explore the bible and faith together.

Home Groups

Emmanuel has many small groups meeting in homes in various parts of the parish, and on different days of the week. 

If you would like to join a group – fill in the form below.

God’s Oasis

Bible study for ladies of all ages
Tuesday: 10.00 – 11:00am
(Term time only) 

Activities for seniors

Friendship Club

Table Tennis • Carpet Bowls • Scrabble • Crafts • Triominos
Wednesday: 11:00am – 12.30pm

Pensioners' Festive Feasts

Two course lunch is served
3rd January 2024, 12:30-14:30  £7 per person

Community Groups

eMale - Mens' Events

Monthly meeting including walks, pub food, curry nights – opportunity to chat life & faith matters.  Open to bring friends.

International Support Group

Third Sunday – 1-3pm (except April, August, December)
All ages welcome to join us for lunch and fellowship.  

Hear Here

11.45am – 12.30pm: 2nd Sunday in the month
11.30am – 12.30pm: 4th Wednesday in the month.

The friendly volunteer ‘Hearing Champions’ at the drop in clinics have been trained by the audiology department at the Royal Surrey Hospital. They provide NHS hearing aid batteries, change hearing aid tubing and offer advice. They can also signpost to other services and equipment, so you get the best from your device and avoid unnecessary trips to the audiologist.

Sports and Leisure

Please check the calendar for up to date details

Fitness Classes

Monday and Friday mornings
in the Emmanuel Sports Hall.
£2 per class 9.15am-10.15am

Table Tennis

Tuesday evenings from 7.30pm
Thursdays: 10:00am to 11:00am
in the Emmanuel Sports Hall.

We welcome anyone who wishes to improve their fitness level and participate in enjoyable, sociable sessions.
There’s no need for any long-term commitment, people come and go as their schedule permits.


 Monday 4.00pm to 5:00pm
(starting May 15th 2024)

in the Emmanuel Sports Hall.

Invented in America in the ’60’s Pickleball is a fun sport that combines elements of badminton, tennis, and table tennis. It is played on a badminton court with a low net. Pickleball suits all ages, it is low impact and appeals to the over 50’s

Arts & Crafts Club

Thursdays, fortnightly
(except August)
2:15 – 4pm