Link Mission Partners
Andrew and Lisa
Living in Santa Cruz, Bolivia
Andrew and Lisa with their two daughters Liliana and Anayah, are our link mission partners with CMS Latin America. They live in Santa Cruz, a fast-growing city in Bolivia. They are working with the pastor of their church to develop links with the local community through social projects such as parenting classes and micro finance and by Youth Alpha.
Philip & Anna
Living in Skopje, North Macedonia
Philip and Anna both grew up in Guildford and were trained and sent by 24/7 Prayer to Macedonia (recently re-named North Macedonia) in 2009 where they live and work. Philip runs a food-export business with local partners and Anna works at an International school. Both aim to be a blessing in the relationships they build at work as well as supporting the local church, a pre-school for Romani children and work with refugees & asylum seekers from the Middle-East. Their heart is to resource and help local people realise their dreams and God given potential in the Balkans.
Cherith and Simon
Cherith completed a Gap Year in Emmanuel Church 7 years ago which was arranged by Church Army. She is now a Pioneer Church Army Evangelist in a community called Norris Green in Liverpool. She is involved in a wide range of ministries to spread God’s good news throughout the community via a toddler group, drop in cafés, food banks, a café for the elderly, holiday clubs and reaching out to the two community schools through RE lessons and Assemblies.
Church Army’s vision is for everyone, everywhere to encounter God’s love, and be empowered to transform their communities through faith shared in words and action.